NIPs nostr improvement proposals

NIP-25 - Reactions

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draft optional

A reaction is a kind 7 event that is used to react to other events.

The generic reaction, represented by the content set to a + string, SHOULD be interpreted as a "like" or "upvote".

A reaction with content set to - SHOULD be interpreted as a "dislike" or "downvote". It SHOULD NOT be counted as a "like", and MAY be displayed as a downvote or dislike on a post. A client MAY also choose to tally likes against dislikes in a reddit-like system of upvotes and downvotes, or display them as separate tallies.

The content MAY be an emoji, or NIP-30 custom emoji in this case it MAY be interpreted as a "like" or "dislike", or the client MAY display this emoji reaction on the post. If the content is an empty string then the client should consider it a "+".


There MUST be always an e tag set to the id of the event that is being reacted to. The e tag SHOULD include a relay hint pointing to a relay where the event being reacted to can be found. If a client decides to include other e, which not recommended, the target event id should be last of the e tags.

The SHOULD be a p tag set to the pubkey of the event being reacted to. If a client decides to include other p tags, which not recommended, the target event pubkey should be last the p tags.

If the event being reacted to is an addressable event, an a SHOULD be included together with the e tag, it must be set to the coordinates (kind:pubkey:d-tag) of the event being reacted to.

The reaction SHOULD include a k tag with the stringified kind number of the reacted event as its value.

Example code

func make_like_event(pubkey: String, privkey: String, liked: NostrEvent) -> NostrEvent {
tags.append(["e",, liked.source_relays.first ?? ""])
tags.append(["p", liked.pubkey])
tags.append(["k", String(liked.kind)])
let ev = NostrEvent(content: "+", pubkey: pubkey, kind: 7, tags: tags)
ev.sign(privkey: privkey)
return ev

Reactions to a website

If the target of the reaction is a website, the reaction MUST be a kind 17 event and MUST include an r tag with the website's URL.

"kind": 17,
"content": "⭐",
"tags": [
["r", ""]
// other fields...

URLs SHOULD be normalized, so that reactions to the same website are not omitted from queries. A fragment MAY be attached to the URL, to react to a section of the page. It should be noted that a URL with a fragment is not considered to be the same URL as the original.

Custom Emoji Reaction

The client may specify a custom emoji (NIP-30) :shortcode: in the reaction content. The client should refer to the emoji tag and render the content as an emoji if shortcode is specified.

"kind": 7,
"content": ":soapbox:",
"tags": [
["emoji", "soapbox", ""]
// other fields...

The content can be set only one :shortcode:. And emoji tag should be one.