NIPs nostr improvement proposals

NIP-61 - Nutzaps

Table of Contents


draft optional

A Nutzap is a P2PK Cashu token in which the payment itself is the receipt.

High-level flow

Alice wants to nutzap 1 sat to Bob because of an event event-id-1 she liked.

Alice nutzaps Bob

  1. Alice fetches event kind:10019 from Bob to see the mints Bob trusts.
  2. She mints a token at that mint (or swaps some tokens she already had in that mint) P2PK-locked to the pubkey Bob has listed in his kind:10019.
  3. She publishes a kind:9321 event to the relays Bob indicated with the proofs she minted.

Bob receives the nutzap

  1. At some point, Bob's client fetches kind:9321 events p-tagging him from his relays.
  2. Bob's client swaps the token into his wallet.

Nutzap informational event

"kind": 10019,
"tags": [
[ "relay", "wss://relay1" ],
[ "relay", "wss://relay2" ],
[ "mint", "https://mint1", "usd", "sat" ],
[ "mint", "https://mint2", "sat" ],
[ "pubkey", "<p2pk-pubkey>" ]

Nutzap event

Event kind:9321 is a nutzap event published by the sender, p-tagging the recipient. The outputs are P2PK-locked to the public key the recipient indicated in their kind:10019 event.

Clients MUST prefix the public key they P2PK-lock with "02" (for nostr<>cashu compatibility).

kind: 9321,
content: "Thanks for this great idea.",
pubkey: "<sender-pubkey>",
tags: [
[ "proof", "{\"amount\":1,\"C\":\"02277c66191736eb72fce9d975d08e3191f8f96afb73ab1eec37e4465683066d3f\",\"id\":\"000a93d6f8a1d2c4\",\"secret\":\"[\\\"P2PK\\\",{\\\"nonce\\\":\\\"b00bdd0467b0090a25bdf2d2f0d45ac4e355c482c1418350f273a04fedaaee83\\\",\\\"data\\\":\\\"02eaee8939e3565e48cc62967e2fde9d8e2a4b3ec0081f29eceff5c64ef10ac1ed\\\"}]\"}" ],
[ "u", "" ],
[ "e", "<nutzapped-event-id>", "<relay-hint>" ],
[ "p", "e9fbced3a42dcf551486650cc752ab354347dd413b307484e4fd1818ab53f991" ], // recipient of nutzap

Sending a nutzap

Receiving nutzaps

Clients should REQ for nutzaps:

{ "kinds": [9321], "#p": ["my-pubkey"], "#u": ["<mint-1>", "<mint-2>"], "since": <latest-created_at-of-kind-7376> }.

Upon receiving a new nutzap, the client should swap the tokens into a wallet the user controls, either a NIP-60 wallet, their own LN wallet or anything else.

Updating nutzap-redemption history

When claiming a token the client SHOULD create a kind:7376 event and e tag the original nutzap event. This is to record that this token has already been claimed (and shouldn't be attempted again) and as signaling to the recipient that the ecash has been redeemed.

Multiple kind:9321 events can be tagged in the same kind:7376 event.

"kind": 7376,
"content": nip44_encrypt([
[ "direction", "in" ], // in = received, out = sent
[ "amount", "1" ],
[ "e", "<7375-event-id>", "<relay-hint>", "created" ] // new token event that was created
"tags": [
[ "e", "<9321-event-id>", "<relay-hint>", "redeemed" ], // nutzap event that has been redeemed
[ "p", "<sender-pubkey>" ] // pubkey of the author of the 9321 event (nutzap sender)

Events that redeem a nutzap SHOULD be published to the sender's NIP-65 "read" relays.

Verifying a Cashu Zap

When listing or counting zaps received by any given event, observer clients SHOULD:

All these checks can be done offline (as long as the observer has the receiver mints' keyset and their kind:10019 event), so the process should be reasonably fast.

Final Considerations

  1. Clients SHOULD guide their users to use NUT-11 (P2PK) and NUT-12 (DLEQ proofs) compatible-mints in their kind:10019 event to avoid receiving nutzaps anyone can spend.
  2. Clients SHOULD normalize and deduplicate mint URLs as described in NIP-65.
  3. A nutzap event MUST include proofs in one of the mints the recipient has listed in their kind:10019 and published to the NIP-65 relays of the recipient, failure to do so may result in the recipient donating the tokens to the mint since the recipient might never see the event.