NIPs nostr improvement proposals

NIP-10 - Text Notes and Threads

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Text Notes and Threads

draft optional

This NIP defines kind:1 as a simple plaintext note.


The .content property contains some human-readable text.

e tags can be used to define note thread roots and replies. They SHOULD be sorted by the reply stack from root to the direct parent.

q tags MAY be used when citing events in the .content with NIP-21.

["q", "<event-id> or <event-address>", "<relay-url>", "<pubkey-if-a-regular-event>"]

Authors of the e and q tags SHOULD be added as p tags to notify of a new reply or quote.

Markup languages such as markdown and HTML SHOULD NOT be used.

Marked "e" tags (PREFERRED)

Kind 1 events with e tags are replies to other kind 1 events. Kind 1 replies MUST NOT be used to reply to other kinds, use NIP-22 instead.

["e", <event-id>, <relay-url>, <marker>, <pubkey>]


Those marked with "reply" denote the id of the reply event being responded to. Those marked with "root" denote the root id of the reply thread being responded to. For top level replies (those replying directly to the root event), only the "root" marker should be used.

A direct reply to the root of a thread should have a single marked "e" tag of type "root".

This scheme is preferred because it allows events to mention others without confusing them with <reply-id> or <root-id>.

<pubkey> SHOULD be the pubkey of the author of the e tagged event, this is used in the outbox model to search for that event from the authors write relays where relay hints did not resolve the event.

The "p" tag

Used in a text event contains a list of pubkeys used to record who is involved in a reply thread.

When replying to a text event E the reply event's "p" tags should contain all of E's "p" tags as well as the "pubkey" of the event being replied to.

Example: Given a text event authored by a1 with "p" tags [p1, p2, p3] then the "p" tags of the reply should be [a1, p1, p2, p3] in no particular order.

Deprecated Positional "e" tags

This scheme is not in common use anymore and is here just to keep backward compatibility with older events on the network.

Positional e tags are deprecated because they create ambiguities that are difficult, or impossible to resolve when an event references another but is not a reply.

They use simple e tags without any marker.

["e", <event-id>, <relay-url>] as per NIP-01.


The positions of the "e" tags within the event denote specific meanings as follows: